Hawk Training announces first Learner Forum 18th November

We are happy to announce that our first Learner Forum will be held on Friday 18th November 2016 from 10am to 3pm and hosted by our very own apprentices!
We would like to invite our apprentices to share their personal views, experiences and new ideas with regards to their apprenticeship journey so far!
This will be a fun-filled day to get involved and will provide us with feedback to help us, the learner and the employer.
This Forum will also help us improve our delivery model and ensure we are giving our apprentices the best opportunities to succeed within their learning journey.
Activities planned for the day include:
- Free breakfast and lunch provided
- Activities / icebreakers
- Competitions and prizes to be won
- Presentations by Hawk apprentices
- A chance to interact with other apprentices from different sectors and organisations
- Feedback on our e-learning resources
- A chance to have an open and honest discussion to give feedback regarding your apprenticeship programme
- Discussion about the importance of an apprenticeship to you individually
- Discussion/activity regarding a future Hawk App
- Hawk goody bag
If you are an apprentice interested in attending the forum, please email foh@hawktraining.com or call us on 020 88910992.
Twitter: #HawkLearnerForum